The competition for international students is incredibly high. Medical school places are partially funded by the government and as such there is a cap for the number of places offered to international students.

Knowledge and skills expected for international students are no different to those for home students. This means it is very important for all students to familiarise themselves with UK NHS practice and the GMC.

When purchasing our packages please state that you are an international student so that we can support your application and ensure that any gaps in core knowledge are addressed.

We also support UK home students living abroad.

Dear Dr Afrosa and Dr Rizvia, Thank you very much for your dedication and helps. My daughter received her 3rd offer this morning, Manchester. She has been your loyal student from Personal Statement, Hot and Blast courses and also 1to 1 interviews. She won’t make this far without you. It is hard to believe as we know how hard it is to enter medical schools in UK especially international students who know little about NHS. You are great teachers, making the impossible - possible.
— Parent of Internatonal Student in Malaysia
I just wanted to let you know that my son got a place at Imperial College to study medicine. He has lived in the UAE since he was 3 years old and had no idea about how the NHS functions. He attended your GP training course, hot topics, blast course and mock MMI. Due to your wonderful teaching he was able to really understand how the NHS works and this helped him in his interviews. He secured offers in London and Bristol and opted for Imperial. I honestly can’t thank you both enough for all you have done to support his journey, may Allah bless you and your families always Ameen.

I work in a British international school and I will be passing your details to the med society so that others can also benefit from the services you provide. Once again thank you from the bottom of my heart, it’s been a difficult journey for our whole family but I am so glad this part is over and he can enjoy the few weeks before his life gets even more hectic!
— UAE Parent Mrs S.S

Becoming a doctor is for EVERY person.

Our Values

A successful application involves a partnership based on hard work from the mentor and mentee.

Preparing students to enter a caring profession such as medicine is one of the greatest privileges we can immerse ourselves in.